Oct 29, 2008

Turbo Magazine Gets the Axe

The rumors are that Turbo Magazine has been given the axe today by Source Interlink. The magazine page count has been way down over the last few years. Sorry to hear it. It is the one of the originators of the import scene. Now Source Interlink only has Import Tuner, Modified, Super Street , Sport Compact Car, Honda Tuning, Project Car, Traction , I think I forgot some of them. Turbo was only selling about 20,000 copies a month. Just a drop in the bucket. June 1985 - October 2008?

15 years of Turbo - from 2000 Turbo Magazine RIP.

Publication title: Turbo and High Tech Performance
Extent and nature of circulation

Average number the preceding 12 months:

Paid subscriptions : 6,846
Sales though vendors and carriers : 13,128
Total paid circulation: 19,974

Outside country: 392
Free distribution: 447
Total distribution: 20,420

Copies not distributed: 39,239

Total: 59,660

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

rip turbo magazine...